Sunday, April 4, 2010

Yet Another Reason to Jump Ship for Android (Mozilla Halts Development of FF Mobile for WinMo)

I love my Omnia i910.  I’d love to stay with it.  But Microsoft just makes it INCREDIBLY hard.  And they keep doing things to eff it up even worse, making it more and more likely that I’ll be switching to Android any day now.

Mobile Opera isn’t my favorite way to browse the web (tabbed mobile browsing is great, but it just doesn’t seem to deliver like I feel it should).  Skyfire, though touted as the second coming of the lord, is even worse.

mozilla-releases-fennec-mobile-browser[1] So I went digging around to see how long it would be before Mozilla finally released Firefox mobile for the WinMo OS.  I knew they had released a stable version for Maemo (and by the way, are there really SO MANY people using the Nokia n900 that Mozilla would focus ALL their efforts on that single phone?!).  Mozilla is actually on release candidate THREE for Maemo, so what’s up with FF Mobile for WinMo?


Evidently MS has been particularly nazi about locking third-party developers out of Windows Phone 7 (or whatever they’re calling the always-stupidly-named platform these days).  Since Mozilla knows they are locked out of development for the upcoming new WinMo OS, they see no reason to continue developing the FF Mobile version that would run in WinMo, essentially saying, “Fine, assholes.  Good luck with your platform.  We’ll be taking our browser to Android (and the six people using Maemo).”

Like I said, yet another reason to drop my Omnia and switch to the Droid.

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