Just so you don't think I'm simply making things up, let's start off with this:

My parents received the flier in question while I was visiting them last week at their home in Indiana.
Go ahead. Click on the images to the left. These are scans of a mailing being sent out by the Indiana Republican Party.
Yes, the
Republican Party is promoting racism as a campaign tactic.
This is absolutely unacceptable.
I realize the gloves come off at election time. If you're on the ballot, expect them to go through your trash and closets with a fine-tooth comb.
making things up is way out of line. Furthermore, making things up that promote and inflame racial tension is not only irresponsible, but should be punishable by law (hate crime is illegal). Yes we've all heard about people shouting things like "terrorist" and "kill him" at McCain/Palin rallies. Obviously there are idiots everywhere, and not everyone has the benefit of education and an informed world view on their side.
However, when
Government Officials start participating, we need to take a step back and re-examine what we're going to call "fair play."

Repute the claims however you want, but the fact of the matter is that Obama is certainly not a terrorist, he was 8 years old when Ayers was doing the things that have gotten
him labeled a terrorist, and someone does not become a terrorist simply by proximity. Yes Obama lives in a neighborhood near Ayers' current location (Hyde Park in Chicago), and yes Obama served on a board that Ayers was also on. Obama has refuted any ties to Ayers (especially and emphatically the claims that they are "friends"), and unless there is any more "proof" of binding ties to bring to the table, that should be that.
Instead, The Republican Party, in what I would posit has become a "typical" method of preying on fear and hatred, is continuing to stretch any sort of truth far beyond breaking point.
The first page of this flyer puts an uncredited Ayers quote
[10/28/08: looking at that quote again, I don't think it's even an Ayers quote --I think it might be from one of the 9/11 terrorists; wtf?!], poignantly dated 9/11, next to a photograph of Obama looking over his shoulder. Also in bold text: "Terrorist. Radical. Friend of Obama."
I'm not sure that there's any reason to further explore the mailing itself, but I think people need to be aware of what is being put into play, who is doing it, and what the repercussions are.
This behavior is simply disgusting. I'd like to say I can't even believe it, but I guess I need to come to terms with the fact that we live in a new era of fear-mongering and hate.
Let's change that.
Please get out there on November 4th and make your voice for truth, honesty, fairness, equality and love for your fellow citizens heard loud and clear. We simply can't take much more of this before the whole thing goes down the tubes.